CPR Training Program – Day 3 – Session 2

CPR Training done on a Dummy - Epitome Hospitals

Welcome to our CPR training program!

We are excited to offer this training as a Corporate Social Responsibility initiative to help you learn the valuable skill of Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and potentially save a life in an emergency situation.

Our CPR training is designed to teach you the basics of performing CPR. The training is led by certified instructors who have extensive experience in emergency response and have been trained to teach the techniques in an easy-to-understand manner. We use the latest equipment and techniques to ensure that our training is up-to-date and relevant.

The training covers a variety of topics including:

  1. Identifying when to perform CPR.
  2. Basic anatomy and physiology of the heart and lungs
  3. How to perform CPR.
  4. Hands-on practice with mannequins
  5. Safety measures when performing CPR.
  6. Steps to take after performing CPR

Our program is suitable for individuals of all skill levels, whether you have never performed CPR before or have prior experience. We believe that everyone can benefit from knowing how to perform CPR, and we encourage you to spread the word about our training to your friends, family, and colleagues.

At the end of the training, you will receive a Participation certification and after consecutive 3 participation days and a qualifying exam, you are qualified to perform the CPR training in a time of emergency.

We are committed to making our CPR training accessible to as many people as possible and offer in-person training options. Together, we can help save lives and make a difference in our communities.


  • Date : 07 May 2023
  • Time : 9:00 am - 10:00 am (Asia/Kolkata)
  • Venue : Epitome Kidney Urology Institute & Lions Hospital

Registration Deadline Expired!!


Epitome Hospitals